Westport Public School parents and staff believe that we must work together to ensure we give our students the skills, values and understandings they need to become productive and happy citizens. The school has worked extensively to develop a set of outcomes which the Westport Learning Community strive to achieve.
At the end of their education at Westport Public School we want our children to be:
- strong communicators
- highly skilled in the use of technology
- able to live and work in harmony with others
- numerate
- confident, independent thinkers and creative problem solvers who strive to achieve their best
- appreciative of the cultures and uniqueness of others
- able to make informed health and life-style decisions
- appreciative of music and art.
I was delighted to be appointed as principal of Westport Public School in 2014. From the very beginning it was evident that the school had a dedicated staff, students eager to explore their learning potential and a school community seeking the best for their children.
We have reinforced quality programs that were already in place, and initiated a range of additional programs and innovations. These initiatives are designed to support school and community values, ensure the learning needs of our boys and girls are better met while continuing to challenge and extend their capabilities.These focus programs have included:
interactive whiteboards installed in all our classrooms
Positive Behaviour for Learning to ensure our values of Be Safe, Be Polite, Be Cooperative and Be Fair are embedded across the School
widening the positive recognition of quality student work, values and behaviour
a structured and measured fitness program
teacher professional learning targeting areas of integrating technology in the classroom and student learning
music – outstanding senior choir tuition and the introduction of marimbas to extend the creative arts
initiating support programs in numeracy with trained tutors, whole school grammar focus, interactive technologies and innovative literacy strategies addressing the needs of all learners.
Our school provides many opportunities for all our students; please contact us if you need any further information.
Tony Johnston