Westport Public School has a very active Parents and Citizen's (P&C) Association and the Committee meets on the 5th Tuesday of each term.
The P&C is a very important organisation which supports the school and all the students, who benefit greatly from the funds they raise each year.
The P&C exists for the benefit of the students and enables parents to get involved and be active in their school community. The P&C meets at 4pm on the 5th Tuesday of each term in the school staffroom. All parents and carers are invited to attend and new members are always welcome.
The Westport Public School P&C conducts many student centred, exciting fundraising activities throughout each year to raise funds for additional resources. Annual fundraising events include the Easter Egg Raffle, Mother's Day Stall, Father's Day Stall, Fun Runs, Disco and Raffles.
Even if you do not join the P&C, volunteers are always welcome to help with the organising and assisting of events.
If you have any queries, you can contact our P&C Committee at the following email: westportpublicschoolpc@gmail.com
For more information concering any aspects of the P&C including the roles of executives, please refer to the NSW P&C federation website: http://www.pandc.org.au